Construction Planning & Logistics

Employee working at a desk

"Construction planning traditionally starts and stops in the project Superintendent’s head. EllisDon’s Construction Planning and Logistics team brings that experience out in the open for all project stakeholders to see and understand; and through collaboration to create more successful solutions for our client’s projects."

-Mohamed Abdalla, Senior Manager, Construction Planning & Logistics

We exist to bring 70 years of EllisDon construction experience to life. Our meticulous project planning and logistics are what set us apart. Our project teams, and specifically, our Superintendents, have unparalleled knowledge and experience in building and civil construction and our planning and logistics team takes that experience to the next level.

We do this by developing unique, innovative and specific solutions for each project and client that allows us to accomplish the goals of budget, schedule and safety. We build the entire project virtually going throughout all the different phases in order to ensure we capture all the technical aspects of the execution. These logistics and phasing plans also are a means to clearly communicate the construction plan to clients, consultants, subcontractors, government agencies and municipalities.

Our services include:

  • Risk identification and mitigation plans (public safety, environmental constraints, underground site utilities, traffic patterns, integrity of adjacent structures and foundations, application of different construction technologies, means and methods or use of different types of construction equipment)

  • Construction phasing and sequencing

  • Construction methodology (development and evaluation)

  • Hoarding and construction access

  • Contractor/subcontractor site offices

  • Environmental management

  • Cranage/hoists including crane type and capacity

  • Temporary utilities

  • Noise and dust control measures

  • Provisions for fire and emergency services

The EllisDon Edge

  • We reduce, control, or eliminate risk from every angle. We analyze projects from the bid phase through to construction, providing solutions based on a coordinated, collaborative effort with all project stakeholders to reduce risk across a number of touchpoints.

  • We’re forward-thinking. Identifying innovative construction techniques that could be beneficial to specific projects and continues to build leading edge construction knowledge throughout EllisDon

  • We achieve clearer and more comprehensive communication of construction planning. Communication is paramount to every project’s success. We develop project plans collaboratively and then provide our project teams with tools to continue to plan the workin detail throughout the project execution stage

Get In Touch

Construction Planning & Logistics is part of EllisDon’s Construction Sciences group.

Existing in the gap between consulting engineering and construction, EllisDon’s in-house Construction Sciences department, one of few in the industry, ensures that the most innovative building techniques and products are available to our clients. Through active involvement in the whole project delivery process, and with research and development at its core, this group ensures that construction innovations in methods, equipment, and materials anywhere in the world are investigated and implemented on our projects.


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